Roanoke Newborn Session : Mylah

This was such a fun session!  Mylah was seven days old when she came to see me and is absolutely precious!  She slept so good and we were able to do lots of fun stuff and cute poses!  Her mom brought in tons of cute props from Etsy and we just played.  Don’t you just...

How Did She Do That?

This post is long overdue.  I can’t tell you how many times I have seen newborn photos that just make me cringe.  Babies are precious little creations and they must be handled with the utmost care!  I think it is so important to educate other new photographers who photograph newborns how to get the shot...

Grapevine Family Session : Kha Family

It’s been a year since I photographed his newborn session.  Babies grow so fast it’s so important to preserve those memories, especially the first year.  I feel like I just posted Lola’s birth photos and newborn session and she is already 9 months old!  Time for a nine month session!!  Enjoy!

Grapevine Family Session : The Stewart Family

Kelli is my good friend.  Like, I love her.  I love her family too.  Kelli and I met at Compass Christian Church in Colleyville (if you don’t have a home church you should come visit) in the worship dept.  She is really funny and one of my favorite things about her is how real she...

Southlake Maternity Session : Shelley and Grant

There is no way there are twins in this belly.  I have never seen a cuter momma-to-be than Shelley and her perfect little belly.  I have known this family for several years now and could not be more excited to celebrate the birth of these babies!  Shelley has been on bed rest so when she...


photography + design
