Little Ice Baby

I can’t even imagine going into labor during an ice storm!  This little one was late and then she decided and ice storm was the perfect time to make her debut!  For almost four days the roads here in Texas were virtually impassable and very dangerous.  I’m just glad everyone made it to the birthing...

Merry Christmas

Luke 2:9-14 says An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the Angel said to them “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  11 Today in the town of...

Roanoke Family Session : Knutz Family

I still have so many fun sessions to blog from this years Dallas Ft Worth Holiday Mini Sessions and I am so excited to share this one!  I really love everything about this session with the Knutz family.  When the sun is shining and filtering through the trees at sunset it creates gorgeous light.  Add...

Southlake Mini Session : Traversi Family

I am kind of behind on blogging and I thought I would have a chance to catch up since we have been iced in for four days here in Texas but I spent the time laughing, cuddling and watching movies with my family!  I am back at it this morning with another family from this...

Southlake Mini Session : Geil Family

Wow, it has been the longest week/weekend ever!  First we moved our home and my studio into a new residence!  Almost everything is out of boxes but it’s still very much a work in progress.  Then, we had Thanksgiving and I have been without internet for almost a week.  The AT&T guy was a lifesaver...


photography + design
