Dallas Maternity Session : Jose and Kinsey

I love pregnant bellies and sweet newborn babies and I could photograph them all day!  Add in a gorgeous couple and a sweet little toddler and you have an awesome session in the making!  I have had the pleasure of getting to know Jose and Kinsey over the last few years and I can see...

Grapevine One Year Session : George and Charlie

They are turning one.  I swear they were just in my studio shooting their newborn photos like yesterday.  How come babies grow so fast?  Can’t we just keep them little as long as we want?  Before you know it they are off to high school and driving cars.  Since they don’t stay young for long...

Summer of 2013 : My kids

Time flies.  My little peanut is now 13 and off to high school.  My baby boy is going to third grade and my Sophie is off to kinder.  I’m actually kind of glad there are 3-4 years in between them because I was able to have them at home when they were babies one at...

Three Month Baby Session : Lola

My Lola is already three months old.  Three months is a tough age to photograph because babies aren’t sleepy enough to do all the fun curled up poses and they can’t sit up.  At this age it’s all about capturing the milestones that they HAVE reached.  Usually they can hold their heads up on their...

Roanoke Family Session : Briarwyck

I love my neighborhood and my awesome neighbors!  Our community in Briarwyck is surrounded by Army Corp of Engineer Land and because of that I don’t have to travel far to shoot on beautiful, natural backgrounds!  All you have to do to find a great spot is take a walk through the neighborhood on the...


photography + design
