Three Month Baby Session : Lola

My Lola is already three months old.  Three months is a tough age to photograph because babies aren’t sleepy enough to do all the fun curled up poses and they can’t sit up.  At this age it’s all about capturing the milestones that they HAVE reached.  Usually they can hold their heads up on their...

Roanoke Family Session : Briarwyck

I love my neighborhood and my awesome neighbors!  Our community in Briarwyck is surrounded by Army Corp of Engineer Land and because of that I don’t have to travel far to shoot on beautiful, natural backgrounds!  All you have to do to find a great spot is take a walk through the neighborhood on the...

My Loves

There is nothing more important to me than my family.  I love them.  I love how we spend every minute together.   I love the evenings when the kids come hang out in my room and we watch tv together.  I love lazy Saturday when it takes us an hour to get out of bed between...

Hello Baby

It was 8am on April 18th, 2013.  I wasn’t due until April 27th.  For two days I had been uncomfortable, tired and unable to sleep, and hurting.  Contractions had started and at first were thirty minutes apart, then the next day they were 15 minutes apart.  When I woke up on April 18th I started...

Waiting for Lola

It’s finally my turn!  I love taking maternity pics and I have many sweet clients awaiting their babies who come to me to document their baby bumps.  For those of you who don’t know, I have three children and we have been trying to get pregnant with our fourth and final baby for three years. ...


photography + design
